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  • Emergency rescue zones corresponds to the dataset of the territorial delimitation of the emergency areas such as defined by the Royal Decree of February 2nd 2009 determining the territorial delimitation of the emergency areas in accordance with the law of May 15th 2007 on civil protection. This dataset is composed of two classes. The first class contains the identifiers, names and geometries of the various areas; the second is a class without geometry and corresponds to the table of Belgian municipalities with the emergency area for each of them. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped shapefiles.

  • Police zones corresponds to the dataset of the territorial delimitation of the police areas such as defined by the Royal Decrees of April 28th 2000 in accordance with the law of December 7th 1998 organising an integrated police service. This dataset is composed of two classes. The first class contains the identifiers, names and geometries of the various areas; the second is a class without geometry and corresponds to the table of Belgian municipalities with the police area for each of them. The dataset can be freely downloaded as a zipped shapefiles.